Do's and Dont's During Interviews


  1. Be polite to the receptionist or security guard.
  2. While in the reception area read any company literature that may be displayed. This may help you when asking questions to the interviewer.
  3. When you go into the interview room smile, shake hands firmly, say “Good morning” or “Good afternoon” and use the interviewer’s name in your greeting. Only use their name if you are 100% sure of what it is and how you pronounce it!
  4. Try and keep good eye contact – approximately for about 60% of the time. If you can’t, then either practise beforehand or try to focus on something just behind them, so at least you are looking in their direction.
  5. Sit down when you are invited to. Sit up straight, leaning forward slightly, with arms and legs uncrossed.
  6. Talk with the interviewer as much as possible – make it easy for the interviewer to talk to you – smile while you are talking.
  7. Listen carefully to each question and if you are unsure of what the interviewer means then ask them to explain.
  8. Thank the interviewer for their time and finish politely – for example –

“I look forward to hearing from you soon”

Don’t s

  1. Don’t accept tea or coffee – this can act as a distraction and prevents you from fully listening and talking. It can also cause embarrassing situations if you spill it!
  2. Don’t smoke before you go into the interview. Try to have your last cigarette at least half an hour before the interview. If you can go without having one at all, even better!
  3. Don’t slouch or lean on the interviewer’s desk.
  4. Don’t give yes or no answers – carry on talking and elaborate on your answers.
  5. Don’t rush into saying the first thing that comes into you head – think carefully before answering each question and sell yourself as much as possible.
  6. Don’t worry if you think the interview has gone wrong. Carry on as best you can. This will all be good experience for the next interview. Learn from your mistakes. Also, you must remember that some people are not very good at interviewing so it might not be your fault!

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