Action Learning Sets

What is Action Learning?

Action Learning is an accelerated learning tool which can be applied to a number of different workplace issues and challenges. In Action Learning groups or ‘Sets’ members meet regularly in order to explore solutions to real problems and decide on a course of action. Individuals are encouraged to:

  • Describe the issue as it is seen
  • Receive contributions from others in the form of questions
  • Reflect on the discussion and decide on a course of action
  • Report back on what happened as a result of the action
  • Reflect on the problem-solving process and how well it has worked

What does a Set facilitator do?

The Set facilitator’s role is to provide guidance and direction to the group, managing member interaction and contribution and ensuring that participants focus on active solutions. Sets are not always facilitated by an independent person and in many cases they will only attend for the first meetings before the Set facilitates itself.

How do Sets operate?

Set members decide on how the time will be used and normally each member will have a turn. Ground rules for the group are established and each person is responsible to the Set for taking action and reporting back on progress. The group size and duration will vary according to need

What are the benefits of Action Learning Sets?

Action Learning Sets are non-judgemental and value the mix of experience, abilities, skills and knowledge of participants but can be challenging. They enable members to:

  • Explore issues in a safe environment
  • Learn from successes and failures
  • Value their own skills and experience
  • Understand their own strengths and needs
  • Plan and carry out change
  • Experience collective and individual learning

The Workforce Development Team can provide skilled facilitators to get your Set underway, so for further information email: or call 01922 655541

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